Won't Be Held Down

Won't Be Held Down

For Jesus’s disciples and his followers, the Saturday after his death was a dark day. Their hope, Jesus, had died, and now his corpse laid in a tomb. But they had no idea of what would await them the next morning. They had no idea that on Sunday morning, Jesus would not be there. In the power of God, Jesus had resurrected from the grave, defeating sin, death, and hell. Looking back, Peter says this on the day of Pentecost: “this Jesus, delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men. God raised him up, loosing the pang s of death, because it was not possible for him to be held by it” (Acts 2:23–24). Death was not able to hold him! Unbelievable.

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Don't Miss Easter at Vintage Church

Don't Miss Easter at Vintage Church

Easter celebrates the biggest day of the year, the day Jesus resurrected from the grave. His journey from Death to Life is what gives each of us HOPE and VICTORY.

Invite your family and friends to Vintage Church this weekend to celebrate Easter.  Our Music Arts Team will lead a powerful worship experience and Pastor Rob Wilton will share a message on the joy that is to be found with Jesus' empty tomb. Also our vKids will participate in an Easter Egg Hunt and egg decorating during their time.

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It's Easter at Vintage Church

It's Easter at Vintage Church

Easter is the biggest day of the year. Over 2,000 years ago Jesus, who had been crucified, arose from the dead and walked out of the grave. This changed everything! His resurrection means that sin, death, and hopelessness do not win; instead He is alive. This is the greatest news and gives us hope.

This is our biggest Sunday every year at Vintage. We have the most people attend on this Sunday. So, we invite you and your family and friends to celebrate Easter Sunday this year with us. We have 4 gatherings this Sunday. Our Music Arts Team will lead a powerful worship experience and Pastor Rob Wilton will conclude our Big Easy Jesus Series

We are also so excited to open a great, new vKids facility across the street from the Vintage Arts Center that will enable us to provide a full vKids ministry every Sunday. Families, please notice the designated parking off of Jena St. Our amazing Connect Team members will assist with families parking, crossing the street, and dropping kids off at the check in area.

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Rediscovering Lent

Rediscovering Lent

I have recently become more aware of a way of living as a Christian that is far older than any ideas of mine on the subject. It is called the liturgical calendar. Basically, as I understand it, the church created a way to celebrate the life of Jesus throughout the year by means of different seasons, fasts, celebrations, and holidays. You probably know that as a part of this we have Christmas and Easter, but what I did not know is that throughout the course of one calendar year, the liturgy covers the entire life of Christ. The surprise for me was that there is a great intentionality behind it all. It wasn’t just the accumulated festivals and religiosity of the ages. Not only is there intentionality, but that intentionality is designed to where if you follow the calendar, you have over the course of one year recognized Jesus’s entire earthly ministry. I could talk more about this, and you can find a blog on it HERE, but what I really want to set the stage for is Lent.

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