Announcing Our New Generations Director

Announcing Our New Generations Director

Today we are excited to announce Nick Perret as our new Generations Director of Vintage Church. Nick is born and raised in New Orleans, and in fact spent the majority of his childhood only a few blocks from our church ministry facility. Nick and his family have been at Vintage for many years and has served in various capacities at Vintage and other churches in New Orleans over the years. Since the Lord first drew Nick’s heart toward ministry, his passion has been to reach the young people of this beautiful city for His Kingdom. He believes they are the future.

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Resources for Parenting: Parenting Beyond Your Capacity

Resources for Parenting: Parenting Beyond Your Capacity

Hey Parents! Over the next few weeks, we want to share some resources we have been researching for you. We hope that these materials will provide an outlet for you to learn, grow, and be encouraged in your unique role as a parent. Know that Vintage Church is here to partner with you. 

First up! Parenting Beyond Your Capacity: Connect Your Family to a Wider Community (The Orange Series) by Reggie Joiner and Carey Nieuwhof. 

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What an Art Thief Can Teach You About Family Bible Reading

What an Art Thief Can Teach You About Family Bible Reading

"Make a plan. See it through." That's the best advice I ever got from a TV show (White Collar). Last January I had my set of resolutions I wanted to accomplish, but the difference for 2016 was that I was going to make a plan and see it through. At least, I did that for some of the resolutions, and those were the only ones that I stuck with and accomplished. I had a big vision for the others, but I never laid out simple steps to get there, steps that I actually could accomplish. I never thought through how to incorporate these goals into the regular rhythms of my life. Because of that, I ended up being really inconsistent in my pursuit of them, and they eventually were set aside.

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Why Be Generous?: Generations Ministry

Why Be Generous?: Generations Ministry

Some of the greatest potential impact for Jesus lies within the next generation. And we think this was the most fun and fruitful year to date in our vKids and vStudents ministries. Here's some numbers that we celebrate: 

  • 1,857,639 goldfish eaten 
  • 567,623 bounces in inflatables during outreach events 
  • 13 new family additions (birth & foster)
  • 7 Kids & Students baptized
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Maximize Your Christmas with a Family Advent Guide

Maximize Your Christmas with a Family Advent Guide

What would happen if family time & Advent both collided with just a little intentionally this Christmas season?

What is Advent?

Another year is closing out quickly, which means that Christmas is right around the corner. If your family is anything like mine you have trekked up to your attic or storage space recently to grab boxes of decorations. You've also made a trip or several to your local Christmas tree source and local hardware store for some important seasonal necessities. Now your house is filled with new smells, sights, lights, and it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas with these exciting extras. Both my 3-year-old and 8-month-old have loved the last week of Christmas setup, from the tree to our exterior illumination experiment to a new Christmas village from my grandfather. My wife and I have intentionally planned several family trips in December to a few favorite New Orleans Christmas spots/activities. But as exciting as all the extra parties, activities, lights, and family time is, this season is really at the core about so much more. This season is in fact one of the most important times for us to reflect, renew, and refresh, because this season is ultimately about when the Lord solved the world's problem and provided the One through whom redemption would come.

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It's Easter at Vintage Church

It's Easter at Vintage Church

Easter is the biggest day of the year. Over 2,000 years ago Jesus, who had been crucified, arose from the dead and walked out of the grave. This changed everything! His resurrection means that sin, death, and hopelessness do not win; instead He is alive. This is the greatest news and gives us hope.

This is our biggest Sunday every year at Vintage. We have the most people attend on this Sunday. So, we invite you and your family and friends to celebrate Easter Sunday this year with us. We have 4 gatherings this Sunday. Our Music Arts Team will lead a powerful worship experience and Pastor Rob Wilton will conclude our Big Easy Jesus Series

We are also so excited to open a great, new vKids facility across the street from the Vintage Arts Center that will enable us to provide a full vKids ministry every Sunday. Families, please notice the designated parking off of Jena St. Our amazing Connect Team members will assist with families parking, crossing the street, and dropping kids off at the check in area.

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