Kingdom Citizenship: Rights & Responsibilities

Kingdom Citizenship: Rights & Responsibilities

If you check out my last blog in the Kingdom Series, you’ll see that I believe that thinking of ourselves as citizens of the Kingdom of God is the best way to understand living the Christian life. In this blog, I am going to process what that looks like practically. I believe that Jesus used this Kingdom of God language to help us understand that we are citizens of his Kingdom, not the world we see around us. Our job therefore is to live like we are already in the completed Kingdom of God, even though we inhabit this one. 

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Kingdom Citizenship

Kingdom Citizenship

So, if you have been following the blog thus far, you have seen that the Kingdom of God is Jesus’s primary way of talking about what he was called to do, that this Kingdom is the rule and reign of Godthat followers of Jesus are in the Kingdom, and that this Kingdom is here and also not yet here. Now we ask, how does knowing this affect the way that we live out our day-to-day lives?

First, let’s look at some flawed ways of understanding Christianity:

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When Does this Kingdom Come About?

When Does this Kingdom Come About?

As a part of my Kingdom Series of blogs, which can be found here and here, we have been taking an intentional look at the Kingdom of God and what implications it has for our lives. In this blog, we will ask, when does this Kingdom come about?

The short answer is:

Now/Not Yet.

When Jesus first started teaching about the Kingdom of God, he would tell people that it was ἤγγικεν. That term is translated as “has come near.” Note that it is not has come, will come, is coming, is here, or has already been coming. Think of it not as the kingdom is on its way, but the Kingdom has come close to you. 

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The Word, Kingdom

The Word, Kingdom

In a sermon that I gave at Vintage Church that can be found here, I suggested that the gospel, or good news, that Jesus came to bring wasn’t simply that he was going to die. When Jesus talked about the good news, he was talking about the coming of the Kingdom of God. 

I felt as though I should explore this concept a little further. This series of blogs gives me the opportunity to do just that. So buckle up and put on your thinking caps. Remember, there is absolutely no downside to learning more biblical knowledge about something that was important to Jesus. The first three blogs in this series will be more research and biblical study based, while the final three will be focused on how Kingdom-based thinking can change the way we look at Christianity. 

Let’s see how and when this word is used and what it means.

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Plugged In, Checked Out

Plugged In, Checked Out

Quick, before you keep reading, look around you wherever you are: how many people are enraptured with their phones or have headphones plugged in or haven't looked up from that iPad in a while? (Psst, if you're reading this on your phone or tablet, you might be that person)

Chances are, we've all been that person. The integration of always-on, smart technology has been a subtle shift over the last decade, but one that is now noticable to even the casual observer.

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