Taking a Digital Sabbath

Taking a Digital Sabbath

I'll admit, it's hard for me to rest. I like to have something in front of me to do, to see, to be immersed in. I have to fight for stillness and calm. Maybe you can relate.

It's funny to contrast that sentiment with the times when I have intentionally made space for rest and the peace and encouragement from God I've experienced in those times. Every time I wonder, "Why don't I do this more often?"

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Plugged In, Checked Out

Plugged In, Checked Out

Quick, before you keep reading, look around you wherever you are: how many people are enraptured with their phones or have headphones plugged in or haven't looked up from that iPad in a while? (Psst, if you're reading this on your phone or tablet, you might be that person)

Chances are, we've all been that person. The integration of always-on, smart technology has been a subtle shift over the last decade, but one that is now noticable to even the casual observer.

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