Why has Vintage Church launched the Gx Network?

Why has Vintage Church launched the Gx Network?

All churches are commanded by God to make disciples of all nations. One of the most effective ways to accomplish this vision is through being a church planting church. Planting a church in New Orleans has been one of the most challenging yet most fulfilling journeys of my life. New Orleans should really be called the “Not-So Big Easy.” The enemy has come really hard at Vintage Church recently and I’ve really started to ask the Lord for clarity. Every week, I hear of a new story of a sickness, or a fight, or someone got laid off, or one of our leaders is leaving Vintage and moving away. As Vintage Church has launched the Gx Network, Jesus has revealed to me why the enemy has been attacking our church. 

This past Christmas, I had the privilege of traveling with a team from Vintage to New York City. It was so incredible to see the impact in New York because of the church planter that we sent out. On the first Sunday in 2016, Vintage Church officially launched the Gx Network as part of the MORE Initiative. Our current church planting resident and soon to be fifth church planter preached for me and shared that not only is Vintage launching this Network but that Vintage would be planting another church in Denver, CO. You can here that sermon here. The response in our church was an overwhelming excitement. Vintage is so excited about praying, giving, and going with the Gx Network. The next Sunday, Vintage used this momentum and launched a new series walking through the Gospel of Luke called “1MORE.” Jesus has called the church to follow in His steps and continue to reach “1MORE” in our city with the Good News of Jesus. In the middle of this series, I invited another Gx Network church planter in New Orleans to preach for me because I was going to San Antonio to preach and encourage our first church planter in San Antonio. As the church planter in New Orleans preached for me, one of his apprentices was preaching for him and I had two future leaders on the trip with me. Within a month, I had experienced our Gospel multiplication movement of Vintage Church through four different churches. 

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1 Story, 1 Prayer, 1 Need: A GX Update from Southeast Asia

1 Story, 1 Prayer, 1 Need: A GX Update from Southeast Asia

Below is an update from one of Vintage Church's Global Outreach partners in Southeast Asia.

Just days prior to moving to Southeast Asia in October 2013, I had the joy of being prayed over and sent out by Vintage Church after preaching at Rock 'N' Bowl. Fast forward to last month, I briefly returned to the US and once again had the joy of preaching at Vintage and reporting on all that God is doing in Southeast Asia. My wife, our three sons, and I are so glad to be commissioned by Vintage Church to follow Jesus to the ends of the earth. Yes, Rob and Annabeth are family to us, but truthfully all of Vintage Church feels like family because of how you stay connected to us. Our joy is full and overflowing because we love being connected to a faith family that is doing the same in New Orleans as we together seek to live the gospel, serve the city, and be the church - no matter where God takes us.

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