1 Story, 1 Prayer, 1 Need: A GX Update from Southeast Asia

1 Story, 1 Prayer, 1 Need: A GX Update from Southeast Asia

Below is an update from one of Vintage Church's Global Outreach partners in Southeast Asia.

Just days prior to moving to Southeast Asia in October 2013, I had the joy of being prayed over and sent out by Vintage Church after preaching at Rock 'N' Bowl. Fast forward to last month, I briefly returned to the US and once again had the joy of preaching at Vintage and reporting on all that God is doing in Southeast Asia. My wife, our three sons, and I are so glad to be commissioned by Vintage Church to follow Jesus to the ends of the earth. Yes, Rob and Annabeth are family to us, but truthfully all of Vintage Church feels like family because of how you stay connected to us. Our joy is full and overflowing because we love being connected to a faith family that is doing the same in New Orleans as we together seek to live the gospel, serve the city, and be the church - no matter where God takes us.

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