How Will You Make Future Impact?

How Will You Make Future Impact?

We often fail to see how the little actions in life over a long period of time can lead to future impact in our lives and in our world. However, we’ve all seen those stories where one person did one thing for one person and it changed the world forever. We see this in the Bible. Individuals like Jesus, Peter, Paul, and others literally turned the world upside down. 

A few weeks ago, Vintage Church unveiled our new 2-year ministry initiative, ANTICIPATE. This 2-year initiative is the vision and direction the Lord is calling Vintage Church to. As a part of this initiative, Vintage Church is committing the next two years to Future Impact. How will we experience future impact? One way is through Gospel Conversations. 

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Committing to One in a Postmodern World

Committing to One in a Postmodern World

Have you ever heard this line before? “Look, I appreciate what you are telling me and I’m glad that is what you believe, but that’s cool that is your truth, but it isn’t mine.” or “all paths lead to a God” This is a postmodern thought process where one declares that truth is determined by the individual, but if this is confronted with love and grace, it is a worldview that can be easily dismissed.

As Vintage Church wraps up our series, 1More, I thought it would be helpful for the body to be able to understand a common worldview that we face in our time. College professors, public school systems, celebrities, and even some mainline protestant denominations toe the line of postmodernism. I grew up in Sunday school in the Methodist church in the early 90s being asked, “what does this Bible verse mean to you?” As we look to invest in the next generation we must accept the reality that only half of millennials believe in God,1 which creates a moral dilemma and asks who has ultimate authority. Most of the time the answer is “ourselves." Before we dig, in I think it may be helpful to first base our discussion on a verse in Scripture which is more relevant today than it has ever been: Romans 1:18-32. Reading these verses, it becomes completely apparent we are living in a modern-day Rome where the culture is telling us we are our own gods and we answer to no one postmodernism perpetuates that line of thinking. So, what exactly is postmodernism?

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