MORE Initiative 2016-2017 Challenge

This past Sunday we celebrated and anticipated together all that Jesus has done, is doing, and will continue to do through Vintage Church. We have been on an amazing ride and believe that this is just the beginning.

If you missed this past Sunday, please consider watching our time of vision for our future. You can find that sermon HERE

As we close out 2016, we are challenging our church family to unite together to believe in Jesus for MORE growth, giving, and gifts.

Starting on December 4th, which will be our Generosity Sunday, we will unite in two ways to give financially and also make a commitment for 2017.

End of the Year Giving

We began 2016 believing Jesus for MORE. Jesus has been faithful in so many ways but we have not seen the growth that we anticipated. Due to a slower attendance growth, decreased financial giving, and expanded ministries we are adjusting the pace of our MORE Initiative in 2016 and 2017.

Would you consider giving a year-end gift to Vintage in order to help us make up this deficit and continue to expand our ministry? We would certainly be thankful to receive your giving today but will also be thankful to receive the gift on December 4th and during the rest of 2016.

Give Online: 

2017 Intention Cards

  • We desire to fully accomplish the vision of the MORE Initiative in 2017.
  • We need to know your planned giving for 2017 as we finalize our annual budget. 
  • We need you to aim for one of the levels in the Gift Chart. 
  • We challenge you to take a step up in your giving in 2017. 
  • Even if you completed an Intention Card at the beginning of MORE we would encourage you to revisit your commitment and update us as to your expected 2017 annual giving.

MORE Intention Card Explanations

  • Normal Yearly Giving - Your faithful tithes and offerings throughout the calendar year.
  • Expanded Yearly Giving - Your additional generosity that exceeds your normal yearly giving in order to accomplish the expanded vision of Vintage. Keep climbing the Vintage Generosity Ladder!


Complete your 2017 MORE Commitment here. All commitments are kept confidential in our database.

Thank you for your prayerful considering of giving generously to Vintage Church. Keep believing in Jesus for MORE!

Pastor Rob