Make a Gift Before the Ball Drops on 2018

Make a Gift Before the Ball Drops on 2018

Happy New Year!

We hope that you and your family enjoyed a great Christmas season. As another year wraps up we celebrate the transformation, life change, and growth Jesus has brought in the lives of so many people. Thank you for your investment in our ministry, because without you this year would not have been possible. As we head into 2019 and anticipate what's next we believe that Jesus has more life change and impact to bring in this next year.

Would you prayerfully consider making a generous gift towards the Lord’s ministry through Vintage Church as we close out 2018? 

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Replicate Response: Give Generously

Replicate Response: Give Generously

We are each given the task and responsibility of stewarding our finances well. Money is a gift from God, but money can also be used to our disadvantage if we are not careful. 1 Timothy 6:10 says this: “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils.” Paul doesn’t tell Timothy that money in itself is evil, but he does tell him that the love of money is evil. We know that money itself cannot be evil, and it is a good thing. Making money is how we take care of ourselves and provide for our needs and families. The jobs that we work give us money, which is a good and honorable thing to the Lord. The question is, though, how are we managing and using our money? 

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Get Your Gift in Before the Ball Drops on 2017

Get Your Gift in Before the Ball Drops on 2017

Happy New Year!

We hope that you and your family enjoyed a great Christmas season. As another year wraps up, we celebrate the transformation, life change, and growth Jesus has brought in the lives of so many people. Thank you for your investment in our ministry, because without you, this year would not have been possible. As we head into 2018 and aim to Complete the Pathway, we believe that Jesus has more life change and impact to bring in this next year.

Would you prayerfully consider a generous gift towards the Lord’s ministry through Vintage Church as we close out 2017? 

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The Joy of Giving Back

The Joy of Giving Back

The launch of the early church was an incredible time! When Jesus ascended to heaven after his death and resurrection, he sent his Holy Spirit to stir the hearts of his followers and spread the movement of the gospel. When we search through the Bible looking for examples of the unity within the church, the early church in the book of Acts stands out. The early church understood what it took to be on the same page. It doesn’t mean that they were perfect, but it does mean that they strived for unity through the Spirit of God. One way that the early church was unified was in their giving. The verses above represent a collection of believers coming together, equally and obediently sacrificing to the work of God and the needs of others. The text says that things were “distributed to each as any had need.” This is a difficult concept to grasp for us today because there seems to be so many needs around us.

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When You Give

When You Give

Giving is always one of those sensitive subjects; however, giving has always been a significant element of Lent. Why? There’s something about giving. Giving is a humbling, sacrificial act. Giving is also a way in which we can manifest the love of God in a tangible way. Jesus understood this when he spoke of giving in Matthew 6. Often when we do something “religious,” we want other people to see us so we can be praised for our accomplishments. Jesus, however, reminds his followers of how we should give. Rather than make a scene when we give, Jesus says that we should not “let your hand know what your right hand is doing” (Matthew 6:3). Giving should be done so secretively that our own hand doesn’t even know what the other hand has done. Obviously Jesus was speaking figuratively, but the point still stands. Jesus’s point gets to the heart of why we give. What are our motives? Are we giving to be seen by others or to honor God and serve others? 

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Why Be Generous? ServeNOLA Outreach

Why Be Generous? ServeNOLA Outreach

Over 8 years ago Vintage began as a church with a desire to see the Gospel multiply throughout New Orleans. At the heart of this vision has always been a call to care for people spiritually and physically in our city. This past fall we developed as the hub of various opportunities and partnerships through which we do outreach. As we launch into our next year of ministry, we have some really great opportunities—some new and some old—and are excited to continue to expand this aspect of our ministry. We can only accomplish this mission by continuing to send individuals and groups all over our city.

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Why Be Generous?: MORE Environments

Why Be Generous?: MORE Environments

Christmas is very close, which means every little kid is dreaming of opening that most wanted gift in a few very short days. Vintage began in 2008 with a desire to see the Gospel multiply throughout New Orleans. At the core of this vision has always been a desire to leverage facilities as a “lighthouse” for the Lord’s transforming work. Over the past year we have been like kids on Christmas morning as we have re-opened the Vintage Arts Center & expanded Vintage Jefferson

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Why Be Generous?: Generations Ministry

Why Be Generous?: Generations Ministry

Some of the greatest potential impact for Jesus lies within the next generation. And we think this was the most fun and fruitful year to date in our vKids and vStudents ministries. Here's some numbers that we celebrate: 

  • 1,857,639 goldfish eaten 
  • 567,623 bounces in inflatables during outreach events 
  • 13 new family additions (birth & foster)
  • 7 Kids & Students baptized
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Why Be Generous?: The Gx Network

Why Be Generous?: The Gx Network

Vintage began in 2008 with a desire to see the Gospel multiply throughout New Orleans. At the heart of this vision has also always involved a call to be a church-planting church which sees the impact that happens in New Orleans expand to other cities. Over the last few years, Vintage has multiplied the Gospel through individuals, groups, and gatherings by sending out other leaders to start new churches. We believe that now thousands are hearing about Jesus all over the country. At the beginning of 2016 this multiplication formed into the Gx Network which currently is comprised of church and leaders in San Antonio, Des Moines, New York City, Denver, and New Orleans. For more on these churches, leaders, and prayer cards visit our Gx Network webpage.

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Giving Thanks

Giving Thanks

This week of Thanksgiving has had me thinking about gratitude.

I’m not always good at giving thanks. I’m polite enough to say “thank you” at the appropriate times, but saying “thanks” and giving thanks are two different things. To me, saying “thanks” is an almost automatic reply—something my mom taught me to do from a very early age, as all good Southern ladies know. In simply saying “thanks,” I find that I focus more on the gift than the giver, because the gift is the object of thanks. By giving thanks, I am acknowledging the giver and his or her role in of giving. 

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