Bring the Increase

Bring the Increase

Bring the increase. When we use this phrase, especially when talking about the MORE Initiative at Vintage Church, what do we really mean? What exactly are we asking? Usually our minds go immediately to dollars when we think about the words, “more” or “increase.” Is that what we’re really asking, or rather, is that all we’re really asking? Of course, in our world today we need money to survive, but as a church and as a people that is not all we need. Money isn’t our lifeblood.

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Why Be Generous?: MORE Environments

Why Be Generous?: MORE Environments

Christmas is very close, which means every little kid is dreaming of opening that most wanted gift in a few very short days. Vintage began in 2008 with a desire to see the Gospel multiply throughout New Orleans. At the core of this vision has always been a desire to leverage facilities as a “lighthouse” for the Lord’s transforming work. Over the past year we have been like kids on Christmas morning as we have re-opened the Vintage Arts Center & expanded Vintage Jefferson

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MORE Initiative 2016-2017 Challenge

MORE Initiative 2016-2017 Challenge

This past Sunday we celebrated and anticipated together all that Jesus has done, is doing, and will continue to do through Vintage Church. We have been on an amazing ride and believe that this is just the beginning.

If you missed this past Sunday, please consider watching our time of vision for our future. You can find that sermon HERE

As we close out 2016, we are challenging our church family to unite together to believe in Jesus for MORE growth, giving, and gifts.

Starting on December 4th, which will be our Generosity Sunday, we will unite in two ways to give financially and also make a commitment for 2017.

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Giving Made Easy with Pushpay

Giving Made Easy with Pushpay

Jesus is alive and moving through our church in New Orleans and throughout the world. The life change and spiritual growth we have seen take place in people’s lives just this year alone is a direct result of your investment in our ministry. Thank you for your faithful giving because your generosity is changing lives.  

We now utilize PushPay, a great new giving platform at Vintage Church, which offers mobile giving and simplified online giving. Pushpay currently accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover, as well as ACH gifts. We are excited about this new, simple way for you to continue to partner with us. All of your gifts are tax deductible and December 31st is the last day to give towards our ministry in 2015.

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From Coming to Becoming: Why We’re All Tabernacles

From Coming to Becoming: Why We’re All Tabernacles

When people study the Old and New Testaments, they often make sharp distinctions between the two groups of books. The God of the Old Testament is a harsh, angry God, whereas the God of the New Testament is a loving and forgiving God. Living for God in the Old Testament consists of following a set of rigid rules. In the New Testament, it’s all about love. In the Old Testament, God is only concerned about Israel, and in the New Testament God cares about all nations and people. Sadly, these dichotomies are poor representations of both the Old and New Testaments. While sometimes difficult to discern, no unreconcilable differences exist between the two testaments.

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Offering Our Lives: How the Tabernacle Teaches Us to Worship

Offering Our Lives: How the Tabernacle Teaches Us to Worship

Over the past two weeks, we’ve discovered two truths about the tabernacle: (1) the presence of God dwelt in the tabernacle and (2) God was worshipped in the tabernacle. As a part of that worship, we also briefly discussed how God allowed his people to participate in worship. Building upon the idea of participatory worship, we’re going to delve deeper into how the Israelites participated in worship and what their experience means for us today.

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SERVE the CITY Opportunities for Katrina 10

SERVE the CITY Opportunities for Katrina 10

August 29, 2015 marks the 10th Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. These past 10 years our city has been rebuilt by thousands of locals and hundreds of thousands volunteers from around the world. Our city has made many strides and grown. The story that is being written is truly amazing. We as New Orleanians and Vintage Church are a part of this story. We have a huge role to play as Christians and a church. 

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Join Us for Vintage's "Advanced Giving Rally" — Wednesday, August 12th 6:30 PM

Pastor Rob explains the MORE Intention card. We would love to receive one of these from you, as this card is an important aspect of the MORE Initiative to help us plan as we journey through the initiative.

MORE Squares-01.png

Advanced Giving Rally

Wednesday Night, Aug 12th (6:30–7:30pm)
Vintage Jefferson Tent
*vKids Care Provided

The Advanced Giving Rally will be an opportunity for our Vintage Partners and Leadership to lead the way for the rest of our church as we jump into the MORE INITIATIVE over the next two years. During this time, we will pray, worship, and turn in our MORE INTENTION CARDS. This event will be open to anyone who is ready to respond and will be promoted this Sunday.


Intention Sunday & CHANGED

August 23rd
Vintage Jefferson Tent

Intention Sunday will be a great time of reaching people for Jesus through CHANGED and also turning in our MORE INTENTION CARDS. Most of our leaders would have already turned there cards in as an encouragement to the rest of our church. We are praying that our church will make a commitment to accomplish this vision.

From Tabernacle to Spirit: How We Participate in Worshipping God

From Tabernacle to Spirit: How We Participate in Worshipping God

The word “worship” conjures up all sort of images, experiences, and ideas in our minds. For some of us, the idea of worship takes us back to previous experiences in church. We think about prior worship services we have experienced. This might include the different styles of worship we’ve encountered, including the singing of hymns with a piano and organ or the singing of new, contemporary worship songs with a praise band. Each of our experiences are different and culturally defined. If you go somewhere else in the world, you might experience a very different worship service. 

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Answers to Common MORE Questions

Answers to Common MORE Questions

The MORE initiative has launched. MORE is the expanded vision for Vintage Church over the next two years. There are 3 aspects of MORE: MORE resources for our church, MORE environments for our city, and MORE impact for our world. Materials are posted online at

In effort to be as helpful and informative as possible, we want to provide some answers to some common questions. The complete list of Questions & Answers can be found on pages 21-22 of the MORE booklet. Also Pastors and staff will facilitate a time after the gatherings on August 9th & August 16th to answer questions. We invite you to join us.

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