Why Be Generous? ServeNOLA Outreach

Over 8 years ago Vintage began as a church with a desire to see the Gospel multiply throughout New Orleans. At the heart of this vision has always been a call to care for people spiritually and physically in our city. This past fall we developed ServeNOLA.com as the hub of various opportunities and partnerships through which we do outreach. As we launch into our next year of ministry, we have some really great opportunities—some new and some old—and are excited to continue to expand this aspect of our ministry. We can only accomplish this mission by continuing to send individuals and groups all over our city.

Your faithful giving enables our church to continue to do outreach outside the walls of our facilities on the streets and in the schools in our city. As we close out this year, please consider our Outreach ministry in your year-end giving. Your gift is tax deductible. December 31st is the last day to give towards our ministry in 2016. For more on ServeNOLA outreach visit our webpage.

There are 4 Ways YOU can begin to GIVE:

  • Online at http://vcnola.com/give
  • Text "vcnola" to 77977
  • In Person: Drop a check in at a gathering
  • Mail: 6221 S. Claiborne Ave #609 New Orleans, LA 70125

Your generous giving is changing lives in New Orleans!