Why Be Generous?: MORE Environments

Christmas is very close, which means every little kid is dreaming of opening that most wanted gift in a few very short days. Vintage began in 2008 with a desire to see the Gospel multiply throughout New Orleans. At the core of this vision has always been a desire to leverage facilities as a “lighthouse” for the Lord’s transforming work. Over the past year we have been like kids on Christmas morning as we have re-opened the Vintage Arts Center & expanded Vintage Jefferson

We believe that our current environments are truly amazing gifts from a good Father. Our most recent facilities expansion has enabled us with the ability to expand our weekend gatherings and weekly ministry opportunities. In the near future, we also desire to see the opportunity to utilize a more permeant Vintage Orleans facility that would be equipped to accommodate family ministry and other weekly ministry.

Your faithful giving enables the Gospel to be proclaimed through these facilities so that even more people are transformed. As we close out this year, please consider our church ministry in your year-end giving. Your gift is tax deductible. December 31st is the last day to give towards our ministry in 2016. For more on our environments visit our Gatherings webpage.

There are 4 Ways YOU can begin to GIVE:

  • Online at http://vcnola.com/give
  • Text "vcnola" to 77977
  • In Person: Drop a check in at a gathering
  • Mail: 6221 S. Claiborne Ave #609 New Orleans, LA 70125

Your generous giving is changing lives in New Orleans!