Life Groups, Life Change

At Vintage Church, we believe that community is so important. Coming to a Sunday worship gathering serves a significant purpose in someone’s personal and spiritual life, but even that alone will not be enough to provide the depth and focus that we all need to have a thriving life after Jesus. Because of this, we have vGroups, which are groups of 10-20 people who meet regularly throughout the city for transformation, connection and multiplication. These vGroups are where men and women from all walks of life meet in people’s homes to fellowship, study God’s Word and pray together. Although vGroups are extremely important, we are also excited about our Life Groups. Life Groups are gender-specific groups of 3-5 people who meet regularly for the purpose of focused discipleship. We have some people who are in Life Groups already, but we want to see many more people step into this as well. 

Personally, I have seen this play out in my life in such a significant way, not only through Vintage, but also through other avenues of community. When I was in seminary, I developed a strong friendship with three particular guys. We cultivated a rhythm of having breakfast every other Friday at Betsy’s Diner in New Orleans. We would all get the breakfast special, which is 2 eggs, bacon, hash browns, two pancakes and coffee with free refills for under $8! (Hard to beat that). Although our time together wasn’t really structured or planned out, it naturally flowed out of our love for God and our desire for accountability. We experienced a level of transparency and honesty that I had never had before. We shared our struggles and our victories, and held each other accountable to what we knew we needed to work on. Our conversations would extend far beyond Friday mornings, through our group text and hanging out as friends. As we began to spend more time together, I began to personally grow and develop as a Christian. These guys are still some of my best friends, and I know that is because of the real-life conversations and intentionality that we had.

I am excited now to be part of a Life Group at Vintage Church and to pass on to other guys what I have experienced firsthand. The goal in these Life Groups is to meet at least twice a month, for an hour to hour and half. During this time, the group should pray together, read and memorize Scripture, hold each other accountable, and pursue multiplication. As Vintage Church reads the Bible together in 2018 through the F260 Bible Reading Plan, our Life Groups will also be studying this together.

If you are not part of a Life Group, I want to strongly encourage you to take that step and initiative. Be praying about who could join you in this journey. If you are part of a Life Group already, I encourage you to share that with others and inspire them to be a part. Bring others into your Life Group and keep growing toward multiplication so that others can experience this life change as well. We can all learn so much from each other!

If you are interested in learning more about Life Groups, click HERE, or if you have further questions or need some help getting connected into a Life Group, you can email Pastor Matthew Weaver at