What's Your Plan to Read the Bible in 2019?

What's Your Plan to Read the Bible in 2019?

For many of us, 2019 means fresh starts and new beginnings. When we think about new years, new year’s resolutions typically come to mind—losing weight, quitting a habit, changing something. We all know, however, how often new year’s resolutions last or work. 

Why don’t new years resolutions work? They often fail for one primary reason—lack of discipline. Anything worth while in life requires discipline—the ability to say no to certain things, yes to other things, determination, perseverance, good time management, and more. Each year many of us long to read the Bible more but fail to. What needs to change?

As we leave 2018 and enter into 2019, we must see Bible reading as a discipline, and that’s a good thing! Like any discipline, Bible reading is something we must be committed to and willing to do regularly until it becomes a habit. After we’ve carried out a discipline regularly over a long period of time, that discipline becomes easier. This reality is also true for Bible reading. 

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Life Groups, Life Change

Life Groups, Life Change

At Vintage Church, we believe that community is so important. Coming to a Sunday worship gathering serves a significant purpose in someone’s personal and spiritual life, but even that alone will not be enough to provide the depth and focus that we all need to have a thriving life after Jesus. Because of this, we have vGroups, which are groups of 10-20 people who meet throughout the city for transformation, connection and multiplication. These vGroups are where men and women from all walks of life meet in people’s homes to fellowship, study God’s Word and pray together. Although vGroups are extremely important, we are also excited about our Life Groups. Life Groups are gender-specific groups of 3-5 people who meet regularly for the purpose of focused discipleship. We have some people who are in Life Groups already, but we want to see many more step people into this as well. 

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Community’s Freedom: Why Vintage Church Facilitates Life Groups

Community’s Freedom: Why Vintage Church Facilitates Life Groups

Recently, I have heard countless reports of Christians who have isolated themselves from any type of Christian community. Sadly, this isolation has caused many of them to fall into deep, habitual sin. Some of these individuals have struggled so greatly, they’ve taken their own lives. 

Sin’s Isolation

For many of these people, once their sin is exposed, everyone around them is completely taken back. They never imagined that person struggled with addiction, depression, or any other sin or symptom. Sadly, all of their friends though they knew them only to find out they had been deceived.

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