Make a Gift Before the Ball Drops on 2018

Make a Gift Before the Ball Drops on 2018

Happy New Year!

We hope that you and your family enjoyed a great Christmas season. As another year wraps up we celebrate the transformation, life change, and growth Jesus has brought in the lives of so many people. Thank you for your investment in our ministry, because without you this year would not have been possible. As we head into 2019 and anticipate what's next we believe that Jesus has more life change and impact to bring in this next year.

Would you prayerfully consider making a generous gift towards the Lord’s ministry through Vintage Church as we close out 2018? 

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Get Your Gift in Before the Ball Drops on 2017

Get Your Gift in Before the Ball Drops on 2017

Happy New Year!

We hope that you and your family enjoyed a great Christmas season. As another year wraps up, we celebrate the transformation, life change, and growth Jesus has brought in the lives of so many people. Thank you for your investment in our ministry, because without you, this year would not have been possible. As we head into 2018 and aim to Complete the Pathway, we believe that Jesus has more life change and impact to bring in this next year.

Would you prayerfully consider a generous gift towards the Lord’s ministry through Vintage Church as we close out 2017? 

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Let’s Read the Bible Together in 2018

Let’s Read the Bible Together in 2018

For so many people, reading the Bible is a daunting and seemingly impossible task. For some who have tried in the past, they feel defeated because they weren’t able to keep up and read the Bible throughout the year. Reading the Bible can simply become one of those things in life we know we need to do, but we simply never get around to doing it. 

But, again, we know reading the Bible is good for us. The Bible is God’s Word to us, one of the primary ways in which God has communicated to us. Through the Bible God has shown us who he is and how we are to follow him. So, if we’re not reading the Bible for ourselves on a regular basis, we’re missing much of what God has to say to us. 

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