Make a Gift Before the Ball Drops on 2018

Make a Gift Before the Ball Drops on 2018

Happy New Year!

We hope that you and your family enjoyed a great Christmas season. As another year wraps up we celebrate the transformation, life change, and growth Jesus has brought in the lives of so many people. Thank you for your investment in our ministry, because without you this year would not have been possible. As we head into 2019 and anticipate what's next we believe that Jesus has more life change and impact to bring in this next year.

Would you prayerfully consider making a generous gift towards the Lord’s ministry through Vintage Church as we close out 2018? 

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What's Your Plan to Read the Bible in 2019?

What's Your Plan to Read the Bible in 2019?

For many of us, 2019 means fresh starts and new beginnings. When we think about new years, new year’s resolutions typically come to mind—losing weight, quitting a habit, changing something. We all know, however, how often new year’s resolutions last or work. 

Why don’t new years resolutions work? They often fail for one primary reason—lack of discipline. Anything worth while in life requires discipline—the ability to say no to certain things, yes to other things, determination, perseverance, good time management, and more. Each year many of us long to read the Bible more but fail to. What needs to change?

As we leave 2018 and enter into 2019, we must see Bible reading as a discipline, and that’s a good thing! Like any discipline, Bible reading is something we must be committed to and willing to do regularly until it becomes a habit. After we’ve carried out a discipline regularly over a long period of time, that discipline becomes easier. This reality is also true for Bible reading. 

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Get Your Gift in Before the Ball Drops on 2017

Get Your Gift in Before the Ball Drops on 2017

Happy New Year!

We hope that you and your family enjoyed a great Christmas season. As another year wraps up, we celebrate the transformation, life change, and growth Jesus has brought in the lives of so many people. Thank you for your investment in our ministry, because without you, this year would not have been possible. As we head into 2018 and aim to Complete the Pathway, we believe that Jesus has more life change and impact to bring in this next year.

Would you prayerfully consider a generous gift towards the Lord’s ministry through Vintage Church as we close out 2017? 

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Setting Yourself Up for Success in 2017

Setting Yourself Up for Success in 2017

With the new year here everyone is setting their New Year’s Resolutions. Many of these resolutions will center on personal improvement, whether that is weight loss, quitting a bad or self-destructive habit or spending more time in self-improvement habits. No matter what your resolution it will take a great amount of will power and persistence to either stop a current habit or form a new habit. The best way to ensure success with your resolution is to have a strategy. In this post I will talk about a few tips to incorporate when working toward your resolution.

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