My Katrina Reflection

My Katrina Reflection

A storm in the gulf.
Don't sweat it, we've been here before.
If he goes, I'll go. He's gone, let's go.
We'll be back. 3-4 days max.
Can't believe we're not passed the east.
Leave the car in AL, we'll get it next week.
Sitting, waiting, watching, weeping.
What is going on? How can this happen?
You got text? Where ya at?
Days, weeks, months.
I gotta get back. MS? I'm in.
Devastion. Thousands in need. Church on the rise.
I'm listening Jesus. I'll go.
NOLA is open.
Causeway. Skyline. Home...I think.
No Words. Not much left.

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Radical Resilience - Katrina Recovery Reflection

Radical Resilience - Katrina Recovery Reflection

After decades of decline and decay, Hurricane Katrina seemed to be the inevitable end to a once great American city. What has transpired over the past decade—not just in a few New Orleans neighborhoods, but across the whole greater New Orleans region—is an amazing story. At this important milestone, as the nation remembers how far we’ve come since 2005, it is also important to note that in some ways the real work is still ahead in this region's journey towards the next 2 decades. Over the past 7+ years, my family and I have been involved in the recovery in several avenues throughout our city. Most recently, the last few months, Pastor Rob Wilton and I have had the opportunity to serve alongside an organization that is leading the leaders of this region. Michael Hecht and GNO Inc. are a constant motivational voice inspiring our region as we together not only rebuild but reach new heights.

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SERVE the CITY Opportunities for Katrina 10

SERVE the CITY Opportunities for Katrina 10

August 29, 2015 marks the 10th Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. These past 10 years our city has been rebuilt by thousands of locals and hundreds of thousands volunteers from around the world. Our city has made many strides and grown. The story that is being written is truly amazing. We as New Orleanians and Vintage Church are a part of this story. We have a huge role to play as Christians and a church. 

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