Signs of Life

Signs of Life

On a walk through our home you’ll see shoes by the doors, dishes in the sink, laundry on the kitchen table, guitars leaning against the wall, and legos, toys, and blankets on the floor. Keep looking around and you’ll also find crumbs on the floor and toothpaste on the counters. If you open a door, there is a good chance you’ll pull back a sticky hand. There are probably school books stacked and receipts in piles. There may be a Wii remote hiding on the back of the couch. 

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Leaving the Results Up to God

Leaving the Results Up to God

If you were going to begin a ministry, what would you do first? I can tell you what I would do. I would map it all out with spreadsheets, flowcharts, group meetings, and a lot of coffee. I would surround myself with the best in the business. The one thing I would NOT do would be to launch my ministry before I felt it was 100% ready to go. No surprises. No unknowns. I would want to see a clear path from beginning to end. Let’s put “starting a ministry” down on the list of things where I have a lot more to learn from the life of Jesus. As it turns out, Jesus did the exact opposite of flowcharts and 5-point plans.

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