Giving Thanks

Giving Thanks

This week of Thanksgiving has had me thinking about gratitude.

I’m not always good at giving thanks. I’m polite enough to say “thank you” at the appropriate times, but saying “thanks” and giving thanks are two different things. To me, saying “thanks” is an almost automatic reply—something my mom taught me to do from a very early age, as all good Southern ladies know. In simply saying “thanks,” I find that I focus more on the gift than the giver, because the gift is the object of thanks. By giving thanks, I am acknowledging the giver and his or her role in of giving. 

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Live with Appreciation

Live with Appreciation

On Sunday, we kicked off week 4 of "The Incumbent" series, discussing how Jesus is our Speaker. If you missed the sermon or are looking for the rest of the sermon resources, you can find all of them at

In the sermon snapshot below, Pastor Rob Wilton reminds us from Colossians 3:16 of the importance living with appreciation in our hearts. Let the Word of Christ dwell within you richly and thank God for his grace!

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Signs of Life

Signs of Life

On a walk through our home you’ll see shoes by the doors, dishes in the sink, laundry on the kitchen table, guitars leaning against the wall, and legos, toys, and blankets on the floor. Keep looking around and you’ll also find crumbs on the floor and toothpaste on the counters. If you open a door, there is a good chance you’ll pull back a sticky hand. There are probably school books stacked and receipts in piles. There may be a Wii remote hiding on the back of the couch. 

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