Giving Thanks

Giving Thanks

This week of Thanksgiving has had me thinking about gratitude.

I’m not always good at giving thanks. I’m polite enough to say “thank you” at the appropriate times, but saying “thanks” and giving thanks are two different things. To me, saying “thanks” is an almost automatic reply—something my mom taught me to do from a very early age, as all good Southern ladies know. In simply saying “thanks,” I find that I focus more on the gift than the giver, because the gift is the object of thanks. By giving thanks, I am acknowledging the giver and his or her role in of giving. 

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Some Thanksgiving Reflections

Some Thanksgiving Reflections

We know Thanksgiving as that one time of the year where family and close friends gather, large amounts of turkey, sides and desserts are consumed, football is watched, and glorious naps are taken. These are the memories that we cherish, and these memories are irreplaceable. Although everyone may not share such warm memories every year, there certainly is some amount of joyful thoughts and reflections when Thanksgiving comes to mind. There is also a strong, historical emphasis on Thanksgiving, which should bring us gratitude and appreciation.

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