A Big 'Ole Slice of Humble Pie

A Big 'Ole Slice of Humble Pie

When I hear the word humility, I think of my grandfather, Narbey Khachaturian. We called him Poppi. Poppi was perhaps the most amazing man I have ever met. But you could never say that in front of him. If you google him, you will only find his obituary. And this blog. Perhaps this is because he lived most of his life prior to the age of technology. Or maybe he just didn't want anyone to think too highly of him. Whatever the case, I was unaware of his most amazing accomplishments until his memorial service. It was only then that we were allowed to brag on him freely!

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What an Art Thief Can Teach You About Family Bible Reading

What an Art Thief Can Teach You About Family Bible Reading

"Make a plan. See it through." That's the best advice I ever got from a TV show (White Collar). Last January I had my set of resolutions I wanted to accomplish, but the difference for 2016 was that I was going to make a plan and see it through. At least, I did that for some of the resolutions, and those were the only ones that I stuck with and accomplished. I had a big vision for the others, but I never laid out simple steps to get there, steps that I actually could accomplish. I never thought through how to incorporate these goals into the regular rhythms of my life. Because of that, I ended up being really inconsistent in my pursuit of them, and they eventually were set aside.

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I want our home to be a place of peace and rest, a safe haven for all who enter. I want people to feel comfortable, to walk in without knocking and open the fridge if they need the milk. I want to sit around our table and on the counter tops and eat cookies and talk and laugh. I want people to feel loved and valued in our walls. I want them to feel Jesus when they walk through the door. 

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