Resources for Parenting: Parenting Beyond Your Capacity

Hey Parents! Over the next few weeks, we want to share some resources we have been researching for you. We hope that these materials will provide an outlet for you to learn, grow, and be encouraged in your unique role as a parent. Know that Vintage Church is here to partner with you. 

First up! Parenting Beyond Your Capacity: Connect Your Family to a Wider Community (The Orange Series) by Reggie Joiner and Carey Nieuwhof. 

If you do not know much about Orange, their movement is to develop curriculum and resources for Christians that combine the “yellow” force (church) and the “red” force (family) to create a greater impact on the lives of children (creating the color Orange). Basically, they acknowledge that if families and church work together, we can accomplish so much more than if we go at it alone. 

In Parenting Beyond Your Capacity, the Orange Philosophy is applied specifically to parenting. The authors are transparent about the difficulty of parenting. They share personal stories and struggles. They do not claim to have all of the solutions to magically make parenting a breeze, but they do have solid wisdom that can ring true for every parent: creating a healthy community can be life changing for your child. Many parents become overwhelmed trying to meet all of their child’s needs. When, in fact, God did not design you to do that. God created us for community and support. By working together, we cannot only accomplish more for the present, but we can better equip the next generation of church leaders by intentionally pouring into the lives of our children. 

The authors set up these goals for parents: 

  • Widen the Circle: Invite others to invest in your children.
  • Imagine the End: Focus energy and effort on things that make a lasting impact.
  • Fight for the Heart: Create a culture of unconditional love in your home.
  • Create a Rhythm: Tap into the power of quality moments together.
  • Make it Personal: Let kids see how you strive to grow so they know how to handle their own limitations and pursue character and faith.

The books includes small group questions. They also have small group discussion starter videos available for download, for free! (

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