A Mother’s Love 

A Mother’s Love 

I have so many lovely memories of my mom, but the main thing that sticks out to me is how real her faith was. I would always find her sitting in her chair in the living room reading her Bible, praying, journaling, or listening to worship music on a portable CD player (which she still used even once she got an iPhone).

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Non-Parents Can Have Children Too: Widen Your Circle

Non-Parents Can Have Children Too: Widen Your Circle

I’ve got to be honest with you—I used to cringe any time the church I was attending started a sermon series that focused on children. As a young single adult in the Church, I just felt like I was falling behind or was some kind of failure because that wasn’t the season I was in when others my age were in that season. So, when those Sundays rolled around I made it a point to not show up or fake a stomach ache when the sermon started.  However, about five years ago that mindset changed. And I want to tell you why

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Resources for Parenting: Parenting Beyond Your Capacity

Resources for Parenting: Parenting Beyond Your Capacity

Hey Parents! Over the next few weeks, we want to share some resources we have been researching for you. We hope that these materials will provide an outlet for you to learn, grow, and be encouraged in your unique role as a parent. Know that Vintage Church is here to partner with you. 

First up! Parenting Beyond Your Capacity: Connect Your Family to a Wider Community (The Orange Series) by Reggie Joiner and Carey Nieuwhof. 

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Why Be Generous?: Generations Ministry

Why Be Generous?: Generations Ministry

Some of the greatest potential impact for Jesus lies within the next generation. And we think this was the most fun and fruitful year to date in our vKids and vStudents ministries. Here's some numbers that we celebrate: 

  • 1,857,639 goldfish eaten 
  • 567,623 bounces in inflatables during outreach events 
  • 13 new family additions (birth & foster)
  • 7 Kids & Students baptized
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