Announcing Our New Generations Director

Today we are excited to announce Nick Perret as our new Generations Director of Vintage Church. Nick is born and raised in New Orleans, and in fact spent the majority of his childhood only a few blocks from our church ministry facility. Nick and his family have been at Vintage for many years and has served in various capacities at Vintage and other churches in New Orleans over the years. Since the Lord first drew Nick’s heart toward ministry, his passion has been to reach the young people of this beautiful city for His Kingdom. He believes they are the future.

The Generations Director is responsible for leading our church in the Generations ministry in accordance with biblical principles found in Acts 6 and  1 Timothy 3. Nick's responsibilities will be to oversee generations' leadership, provide vision & strategy, and direct outreach and discipleship for families. 

We are amazed at all that the Lord has done over the last few years and are excited for what's NEXT!  Let's welcome Nick and his family into leadership. 

To learn more about Vintage Church’s ANTICIPATE vision visit