Why Be Generous?: Generations Ministry

Some of the greatest potential impact for Jesus lies within the next generation. And we think this was the most fun and fruitful year to date in our vKids and vStudents ministries. Here's some numbers that we celebrate: 

  • 1,857,639 goldfish eaten 
  • 567,623 bounces in inflatables during outreach events 
  • 13 new family additions (birth & foster)
  • 7 Kids & Students baptized  

We were excited to renovate and expand our facilities and ministry framework this past year. We are now in a place to impact even greater numbers of babies, preschoolers, elementary, middle, and high schoolers. We might even eclipse the 2 million mark of goldfish next year. As we look to continue to expand the ministry and leadership in 2017, we need your partnership and investment. We believe that everyone from parents to friends, both young and old, single or married have an enormous role to play in our generations ministry. As the saying goes "it takes a city to raise a child." 

As we close out this year, please consider our Church of the Future in your year-end giving. Your gift is tax deductible. December 31st is the last day to give towards our ministry in 2016. For more on the Generations Ministry visit our Ministries webpage.

There are 4 Ways YOU can begin to GIVE:

  • Online at http://vcnola.com/give  
  • Text "vcnola" to 77977 
  • In Person: Drop a check in at a gathering 
  • Mail: 6221 S. Claiborne Ave #609 New Orleans, LA 70125

Your generous giving is changing lives in New Orleans!